CMPL LogoCMPL (Coliop|Coin Mathematical Programming Language) is a mathematical programming language and a system for optimization of linear problems (LP and MIP). CMPL can execute Gurobi directly to solve a generated model instance. CMPL is a COIN-OR open source project created by the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau and the Institute for Operations Research and Business Management at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.


JuMP is a modeling language and collection of supporting packages for mathematical optimization in Julia. JuMP makes it easy to formulate and solve a range of problem classes, including linear programs, integer programs, conic programs, semidefinite programs, and constrained nonlinear programs.

Open Solver Interface

Coin logoOpen Solver Interface (Osi) provides an abstract base class to a generic linear programming (LP) solver, along with derived classes for specific solvers. To interact with Gurobi, Osi provides the derived class OsiGrb. Osi is written in C++ and is released as open source code as part of the COIN-OR initiative. The Gurobi derived class was developed by Stefan Vigerske.

Optano Modeling Library

Optano Modeling Library LogoOptano Modeling Library allows you to use C# as a modeling language for mathematical optimization (mixed integer programming (MIP) and linear programming (LP)). It has a lightweight footprint, runs on different platforms and connects to several solvers including Gurobi Solver. OPTANO Modeling is developed and maintained by OPTANO GmbH.


Coin logoPuLP is a modeling system written in Python. PuLP can generate MPS or LP files, and it can call Gurobi directly to solve LP and MIP models. PuLP is free and open source. The Gurobi solver class for PuLP was developed by Stuart Mitchell.


Pyomo logoPYOMO is a collection of Python software packages for formulating and analyzing a diverse set of optimization models. Pyomo can be used to define symbolic problems, create concrete problem instances, and apply optimizers such as Gurobi. The Gurobi solver class for Pyomo was developed by Jean-Paul Watson.


Solver Studio LogoSolverStudio makes it easy to develop and deliver Gurobi optimization models using Excel. Create your model inside Excel using Python from within the SolverStudio editor window. This model then gets saved with the spreadsheet and ‘compiled’ and run whenever the user clicks Solve. Data entered into the spreadsheet is automatically available to the model. SolverStudio was developed by Andrew Mason.


Yalmip LogoYALMIP is a language for advanced modeling and solution of convex and non-convex optimization problems. It is implemented as a free (as in no charge) toolbox for MATLAB. YALMIP focuses on the language and the higher level algorithms, while relying on external solvers such as Gurobi for computation. YALMIP was developed by Johan Löfberg.

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Gurobi Optimization