Our online events help you take your optimization skills to the next level.
What's New in Gurobi 12.0
Gurobi 12.0 has officially launched! Register for our upcoming webinar to get a first look at all the latest enhancements, including performance improvements, new MINLP capabilities, and our revamped, user-friendly documentation.
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SINTEF Railway Optimization: Theory and Applications
Join our webinar with SINTEF on Railway Optimization. We will present the theoretical framework behind their train scheduling solutions, and we discuss some of its practical applications. Plus, we introduce the competition and explain its challenges.
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Enterprise AI: Advancing Optimization from Niche to Mainstream Impact
Many optimization users have successfully delivered high-value projects—but then face obstacles when it comes to promoting the benefits of optimization and scaling it up at their organizations. Reaping a bountiful harvest from optimization success demands an effectively paced career progression for the best optimizers and an integrated blend of short- and long-term project objectives for each line of business. In this webinar, we will discuss techniques to help attendees effectively spread the development of optimization.
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Ready, Set, Optimize: Building the Business Case and Securing Buy-In for Optimization Projects
Equip yourself to explain the value of optimization to internal decision makers and get the buy-in needed for optimization projects.
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