Gartner® Report: Go Beyond Machine Learning and Leverage Other AI Approaches

Machine learning does not always provide optimal results. Download this complimentary report to get recommendations from Gartner  stating that since there is no single best technique in the AI field suitable to resolve all business problems, Data and Analytics leaders should: 

  • Examine the pros and cons of classic AI techniques to understand their feasible scenarios.  
  • Encourage data and analytics teams to leverage these techniques in suitable occasions rather than sticking to machine learning alone. 
  • Revisit failed ML-only initiatives to determine if a combination of traditional approaches and additional AI techniques could result in more sustainable, efficient and robust solutions.

Gartner, Go Beyond Machine Learning and Leverage Other AI Approaches, Ben Yan, Erick Brethenoux, Mike Fang, Pieter den Hamer, Updated 26 September 2023, Originally Published 26 April 2022.

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