Leading Consumer Auction Provider Emesa Chooses Gurobi to Optimize its Customer Journey


Customer Testimonial: Emesa

“Emesa owns and operates a portfolio of leading online consumer auction and deal platforms in the Netherlands and Belgium. Thousands of customers use our platforms to find and book amazing deals on a great variety of physical products and leisure experiences including vacations, spa, zoo, and theme park packages, event tickets, restaurant reservations, and many more. Our CRM channels – including Email marketing and App Push – are our primary communication channels with customers, but it’s important that – with so many customers and so many different products – we are able to use our CRM channels to showcase the right products to the right customers at the right times. That’s why we have selected Gurobi to automate our email and App Push marketing process in order to optimize the offerings that we propose to customers. With Gurobi, we can automatically determine the optimal timing and select the most relevant contents of our emails to customers – while also taking into account their unique product and personal contact preferences – so that we can maximize customer engagement with our emails, drive more traffic to our auction platforms, and ultimately generate more bids and revenue growth.”

Giel Linthorst, Customer Intelligence Manager at Emesa

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