Speakers for Gurobi Summit Americas 2024

Gurobi Summit
20654, 2878, 1775|20325|09/19/2024 8:30 am|09/19/2024 8:30 am|09/19/2024 9:15 am|Beethoven|Welcome and Keynote from Gurobi CEO
2899, 2878|20326|09/19/2024 9:15 am|09/19/2024 9:15 am|09/19/2024 10:00 am|Beethoven|Optimization 360
20500|20328|09/19/2024 10:15 am|09/19/2024 10:15 am|09/19/2024 11:15 am|Beethoven|Partner Keynote - Accenture: The Transition to Tractable
1779|20329|09/19/2024 11:15 am|09/19/2024 11:15 am|09/19/2024 12:00 pm|Beethoven|Advanced Optimization Technologies: Navigating the Buzzword Jungle (Quantum, GenAI, GPUs)
|20330|09/19/2024 12:00 pm|09/19/2024 12:00 pm|09/19/2024 1:00 pm|Beethoven|Networking Lunch
9971, 20498|20337|09/20/2024 8:45 am|09/20/2024 8:45 am|09/20/2024 9:30 am|Beethoven|Customer Keynote: National Football League (NFL)
10875|20338|09/19/2024 1:45 pm|09/19/2024 1:45 pm|09/19/2024 2:15 pm|Brahms 1 & 2|Optimization at Department of Energy (DOE): How Mathematical Optimization is Helping Reduce Methane Emissions Across Oil & Gas
21064|20339|09/19/2024 2:15 pm|09/19/2024 2:15 pm|09/19/2024 2:45 pm|Brahms 1 & 2|Georgia Pacific: Harnessing The Power of Optimization, Causal AI, and Automated Reasoning to Solve Complex Business Problems
21246|20340|09/19/2024 2:15 pm|09/19/2024 2:15 pm|09/19/2024 2:45 pm|Brahms 3 & 4|BrightNight: Transforming the Design and Operation of Hybrid Renewable Power Project
20949|20341|09/19/2024 1:45 pm|09/19/2024 1:45 pm|09/19/2024 2:15 pm|Brahms 3 & 4|Suzano: Integrated Decision Systems in the Pulp and Paper Industry
2869|20342|09/19/2024 1:00 pm|09/19/2024 1:00 pm|09/19/2024 1:45 pm|Brahms 3 & 4|Tackling Nonlinearities with Gurobi, Including 12.0 Preview
20936, 21346|20343|09/19/2024 3:00 pm|09/19/2024 3:00 pm|09/19/2024 3:30 pm|Brahms 1 & 2|Toyota: Enhancing Resilience and Agility - Toyota’s Optimized Response to Post-Pandemic Supply Chain Challenges
21181, 21182|20344|09/19/2024 3:00 pm|09/19/2024 3:00 pm|09/19/2024 3:30 pm|Brahms 3 & 4|C3.ai: Transforming Manufacturing with AI-Powered Optimization
21318|20346|09/19/2024 4:15 pm|09/19/2024 4:15 pm|09/19/2024 5:00 pm|Beethoven|Keynote: NVIDIA - Breaking Barriers in AI & the Modern Data Center with NVIDIA Grace Architectures
|20347|09/19/2024 5:00 pm|09/19/2024 5:00 pm|09/19/2024 5:15 pm|Beethoven|Day 1: Wrap-Up and Q&A
|20348|09/20/2024 3:30 pm|09/20/2024 3:30 pm|09/20/2024 3:45 pm|Beethoven|Day 2: Wrap Up
|20350|09/19/2024 6:00 pm|09/19/2024 6:00 pm|09/19/2024 7:00 pm|Brahms & Patio|Networking Reception
|20351|09/19/2024 7:00 pm|09/19/2024 7:00 pm|09/19/2024 9:00 pm|Beethoven|Dinner
|20352|09/20/2024 8:30 am|09/20/2024 8:30 am|09/19/2024 8:45 am|Beethoven|Day 2: Welcome
|20354|09/19/2024 7:00 am|09/19/2024 7:00 am|09/19/2024 8:30 am|Beethoven Foyer|Registration & Check In
2862, 2899|20355|09/20/2024 9:30 am|09/20/2024 9:30 am|09/20/2024 10:30 am|Palmer 1|Hands On: Burrito Game Play - Optimization in Action
2898, 2866|20356|09/20/2024 9:30 am|09/20/2024 9:30 am|09/20/2024 10:30 am|Schubert|Optimization Crash Course
2871|20357|09/20/2024 9:30 am|09/20/2024 9:30 am|09/20/2024 10:30 am|Debussy 1 & 2|2024 Hidden Gems
|20359|09/20/2024 11:45 am|09/20/2024 11:45 am|09/20/2024 12:15 pm|Beethoven|Networking Lunch
20759, 16840|20361|09/20/2024 10:45 am|09/20/2024 10:45 am|09/20/2024 11:15 am|Palmer 1|Integrated Decision-Making in Databricks: How to Foster Collaboration via a Single Platform - Aimpoint Digital
2898|20362|09/20/2024 10:45 am|09/20/2024 10:45 am|09/20/2024 11:45 am|Schubert|If You Can Model It, You Can Optimize It
1779, 2863|20363|09/20/2024 10:45 am|09/20/2024 10:45 am|09/20/2024 11:45 am|Debussy 1 & 2|Handling Challenging Models
2869|20364|09/20/2024 12:45 pm|09/20/2024 12:45 pm|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|Debussy 1 & 2|Handling Numerical Challenges
21188|20365|09/20/2024 12:45 pm|09/20/2024 12:45 pm|09/20/2024 1:15 pm|Palmer 1|Beyond Planning: Leveraging Optimization Systems for Real-World Supply Chain Success - Bitka Analytics
20750|20366|09/20/2024 11:15 am|09/20/2024 11:15 am|09/20/2024 11:45 am|Palmer 1|Don’t Go Chasing Waterfall: Embracing “Agile for Optimization” to Transform Your Model Development Process - Princeton Consultants
2898|20367|09/20/2024 12:45 pm|09/20/2024 12:45 pm|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|Schubert|Modeling with Generative AI
21238, 20755, 20752, 10793, 21201|20368|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|09/20/2024 2:45 pm|Beethoven|Partner Roundtables: AMPL, Nextmv, ORMAE, and Frontline Systems
2843, 2898|20369|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|09/20/2024 2:15 pm|Schubert|Learning Resources, Machine Learning Packages
|20370|09/20/2024 2:15 pm|09/20/2024 2:15 pm|09/20/2024 2:45 pm|Schubert|Q&A for Data Scientists
8155|20371|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|09/20/2024 2:15 pm|Debussy 1 & 2|Practical Guidelines for Model Improvement and Reformulation
2838, 2888, 2908, 2912|20372|09/20/2024 2:15 pm|09/20/2024 2:15 pm|09/20/2024 2:45 pm|Debussy 1 & 2|Q&A with the Gurobi Technical Experts
8155, 16878, 20756|20516|09/20/2024 2:45 pm|09/20/2024 2:45 pm|09/20/2024 3:30 pm|Beethoven|Panel: From Skepticism to Success: Getting Buy-In for Optimization Projects
|20517|09/20/2024 8:30 am|09/20/2024 8:30 am|09/20/2024 2:45 pm|Beethoven|Technical 1:1s
|20518|09/20/2024 8:30 am|09/20/2024 8:30 am|09/20/2024 2:45 pm|Mozart, Palmer |Journey Mapping Sessions
20519|20533|09/19/2024 1:00 pm|09/19/2024 1:00 pm|09/19/2024 1:45 pm|Brahms 1 & 2|Business Keynote - Kirk D. Borne, Data Science Thought Leader: Innovative Analytics for Datapreneurs
20755, 20752|20749|09/20/2024 1:15 pm|09/20/2024 1:15 pm|09/20/2024 1:45 pm|Palmer 1|Accelerating Optimization AI Teams with DecisionOps - Nextmv
16934, 16878|21063|09/19/2024 3:30 pm|09/19/2024 3:30 pm|09/19/2024 4:00 pm|Brahms 1 & 2|Pfizer: Optimized Manufacturing: A Recipe for Success
21333, 21335|21337|09/19/2024 3:30 pm|09/19/2024 3:30 pm|09/19/2024 4:00 pm|Brahms 3 & 4|Optimizing Freight Logistics: Decision Intelligence in Action with Gurobi at ABC Supply
Welcome and Keynote from Gurobi CEO|20325
Optimization 360|20326
Partner Keynote - Accenture: The Transition to Tractable|20328
Advanced Optimization Technologies: Navigating the Buzzword Jungle (Quantum, GenAI, GPUs)|20329
Networking Lunch|20330
Customer Keynote: National Football League (NFL)|20337
Optimization at Department of Energy (DOE): How Mathematical Optimization is Helping Reduce Methane Emissions Across Oil & Gas|20338
Georgia Pacific: Harnessing The Power of Optimization, Causal AI, and Automated Reasoning to Solve Complex Business Problems|20339
BrightNight: Transforming the Design and Operation of Hybrid Renewable Power Project|20340
Suzano: Integrated Decision Systems in the Pulp and Paper Industry|20341
Tackling Nonlinearities with Gurobi, Including 12.0 Preview|20342
Toyota: Enhancing Resilience and Agility - Toyota’s Optimized Response to Post-Pandemic Supply Chain Challenges|20343
C3.ai: Transforming Manufacturing with AI-Powered Optimization|20344
Keynote: NVIDIA - Breaking Barriers in AI & the Modern Data Center with NVIDIA Grace Architectures|20346
Day 1: Wrap-Up and Q&A|20347
Day 2: Wrap Up|20348
Networking Reception|20350
Day 2: Welcome|20352
Registration & Check In|20354
Hands On: Burrito Game Play - Optimization in Action|20355
Optimization Crash Course|20356
2024 Hidden Gems|20357
Networking Lunch|20359
Integrated Decision-Making in Databricks: How to Foster Collaboration via a Single Platform - Aimpoint Digital|20361
If You Can Model It, You Can Optimize It|20362
Handling Challenging Models|20363
Handling Numerical Challenges|20364
Beyond Planning: Leveraging Optimization Systems for Real-World Supply Chain Success - Bitka Analytics|20365
Don’t Go Chasing Waterfall: Embracing “Agile for Optimization” to Transform Your Model Development Process - Princeton Consultants|20366
Modeling with Generative AI|20367
Partner Roundtables: AMPL, Nextmv, ORMAE, and Frontline Systems|20368
Learning Resources, Machine Learning Packages|20369
Q&A for Data Scientists|20370
Practical Guidelines for Model Improvement and Reformulation|20371
Q&A with the Gurobi Technical Experts|20372
Panel: From Skepticism to Success: Getting Buy-In for Optimization Projects|20516
Technical 1:1s|20517
Journey Mapping Sessions|20518
Business Keynote - Kirk D. Borne, Data Science Thought Leader: Innovative Analytics for Datapreneurs|20533
Accelerating Optimization AI Teams with DecisionOps - Nextmv|20749
Pfizer: Optimized Manufacturing: A Recipe for Success|21063
Optimizing Freight Logistics: Decision Intelligence in Action with Gurobi at ABC Supply|21337

Gurobi Summit Americas 2024

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Gurobi Optimization