Yutong Bus: Production Planning

Gurobi solves a challenging multi-objective production planning problem for the largest bus manufacturing company in China.

Uber: Shaping Urban Aerial Ridesharing

The Uber Elevate team is working towards transforming the world through aerial ridesharing at scale. See how they are shaping the future using Gurobi.

Toyota: Production Planning Optimization

Learn how an automated decision-support system powered by the Gurobi Optimizer enables Toyota to maximize profitability while ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

Try Gurobi for Free

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Evaluation License
Get a free, full-featured license of the Gurobi Optimizer to experience the performance, support, benchmarking and tuning services we provide as part of our product offering.
Academic License
Gurobi supports the teaching and use of optimization within academic institutions. We offer free, full-featured copies of Gurobi for use in class, and for research.
Cloud Trial

Request free trial hours, so you can see how quickly and easily a model can be solved on the cloud.
