
Gurobi solvers can provide a considerable advantage for organizations when deploying advertising and marketing campaigns in today’s highly diverse and competitive world of new media that includes increasing ‘clutter’ and decreasing viewer attention. Optimization gives organizations the power to use their ever-growing amounts of data to make millions of automated decisions in order to maximize return on investments, while both expanding and improving customer relationships by providing the right people with the right messages at the right time.

The Solver That Does More

Gurobi delivers blazing speeds and advanced features—backed by brilliant innovators and expert support.

  • Unmatched Performance
  • Continuous Innovation
  • Responsive, Expert Support
  • Unmatched Performance
  • Continuous Innovation
  • Responsive, Expert Support
  • Gurobi Optimizer Delivers Unmatched Performance

    Unmatched Performance

    With our powerful algorithms, you can add complexity to your model to better represent the real world, and still solve your model within the available time.

    • The performance gap grows as model size and difficulty increase.
    • Gurobi has a history of making continual improvements across a range of problem types, with a 91x speedup on MILP since version 1.1.
    • Gurobi is tuned to optimize performance over a wide range of instances.
    • Gurobi is tested thoroughly for numerical stability and correctness using an internal library of over 10,000 models from industry and academia.

  • Gurobi Optimizer Delivers Continuous Innovation

    Continuous Innovation

    Our development team includes the brightest minds in decision-intelligence technology--and they're continually raising the bar in terms of solver speed and functionality.

    • Our code is fundamentally parallel—not sequential code that was parallelized—so you can make the most of parallelism and run sequentially.
    • We go beyond cutting-edge MIP cutting planes, with new classes of cuts you can find only with Gurobi.
    • Our advanced MIP heuristics identify feasible, good quality solutions, fast—where other solvers fall flat.
    • Our barrier algorithms fully exploit the features of the latest computer architectures.
    • Our APIs are lightweight, modern, and intuitive—to minimize your learning curve while maximizing your productivity.

  • Gurobi Optimizer Delivers Responsive, Expert Support

    Responsive, Expert Support

    Our PhD-level experts are here when you need them—ready to provide comprehensive guidance and technical support. They bring deep expertise in working with commercial models and are there to assist you throughout the process of implementing and using Gurobi.

    • Tap into our team’s deep expertise—from implementation to tuning and more.
    • We respond to customer inquiries in hours not days, helping to quickly resolve any issues you’re facing.
    • We can help you fit and adapt your mathematical optimization application to your changing requirements.

Peek Under the Hood

Dive deep into sample models, built with our Python API.

  • Customer Assignment
  • Marketing Campaign Optimization
  • Customer Assignment
  • Marketing Campaign Optimization
  • Customer Assignment

    Customer Assignment

    Sharpen your mathematical optimization modeling skills with this example, in which you will learn how to select the location of facilities based on their proximity to customers. We’ll demonstrate how you can construct a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model of this facility location problem, implement this model in the Gurobi Python API, and generate an optimal solution using the Gurobi Optimizer. This modeling example is at the intermediate level, where we assume that you know Python and are familiar with the Gurobi Python API. In addition, you should have some knowledge about building mathematical optimization models.

     Learn More
  • Marketing Campaign Optimization

    Marketing Campaign Optimization

    Companies across almost every industry are looking to optimize their marketing campaigns. In this Jupyter Notebook, we’ll explore a marketing campaign optimization problem that is common in the banking and financial services industry, which involves determining which products to offer to individual customers in order to maximize total expected profit while satisfying various business constraints. You’ll learn how to formulate a mathematical optimization model of the problem (using machine learning predictive response models as parameters) and solve it using the Gurobi Optimizer. This modeling example is at the beginner level, where we assume that you know Python and that you have some knowledge about building mathematical optimization models. The reader should also consult the documentation of the Gurobi Python API.

     Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is mathematical optimization?

    Mathematical optimization uses the power of math to find the best possible solution to a complex, real-life problem. It can be thought of as a way to make the smartest (and most optimal) decision despite having a multitude of variables and challenges.

    Mathematical optimization models contain three components:

    1. Objective Function: This is the end goal that you want to achieve.

    2. Decision Variables: These represent the items involved that you can control and change in order to reach your objective.

    3. Constraints: These are the rules and/or limitations that you must follow.

  • How can mathematical optimization be used?

    To help put the idea of mathematical optimization into perspective, imagine that you’re a delivery company that’s trying to minimize the amount of time it takes to complete your delivery route.

    Objective Function

    Your objective function is simply to minimize the amount of time it takes to complete your delivery route. This might be driven by goals such as minimizing vehicle usage to reduce carbon emissions or saving on labor and fuel expenses.

    Decision Variables

    A delivery company can adjust key aspects of its operations to achieve its objective. For instance, changing the route taken could reduce travel distance and time, while altering the time of day to start deliveries could help avoid peak traffic, ensuring faster and smoother operations.


    The constraints that you are limited by can range from the number of deliveries that you’re required to make, the times that you’re required to deliver by and the locations you’re delivering to. These factors cannot be changed as they are a core part of the business services.

  • What makes mathematical optimization “unbiased”?

    Descriptive and predictive analytics show you what has happened in the past, why it happened, and what’s likely to happen next. But to decide what to do with that information, you need human input—which can introduce bias.

    With mathematical optimization, you receive a decision recommendation based on your goals, constraints, and variables alone. You can, of course, involve human input when it comes to whether or not to act on that recommendation. Or you can bypass human input altogether and automate your decision-making.

  • How is mathematical optimization used in the real world?

    80% of the world’s leading companies use mathematical optimization to make optimal business decisions. It provides stakeholders with decisions that are data-driven and free from subjective human bias. Mathematical optimization has countless real-life uses, such as managing supply chains to minimize costs, planning production schedules in manufacturing, and improving staff scheduling to improve efficiency.

    For example, Air France uses it to build the most efficient schedule for its entire fleet to save on fuel and operational costs whilst reducing delay propagation. You can read more about this here.

  • Could mathematical optimization help your business?

    Regardless of the industry that you work within, if you have a complex problem that needs resolving, Gurobi Optimization could be the solution that you’ve been seeking.

    Learn more about Gurobi Optimizer and start a free-trial to unlock your business potential.

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Start solving your most complex challenges, with the world's fastest, most feature-rich solver.

Always Free for Academics

We make it easy for students, faculty, and researchers to work with mathematical optimization.

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Evaluation License
Get a free, full-featured license of the Gurobi Optimizer to experience the performance, support, benchmarking and tuning services we provide as part of our product offering.
Cloud Trial

Request free trial hours, so you can see how quickly and easily a model can be solved on the cloud.

Academic License
Gurobi provides free, full-featured licenses for coursework, teaching, and research at degree-granting academic institutions. Academics can receive guidance and support through our Community Forum.


Gurobi Optimization