
Gurobi Optimizer Features


Gurobi is used in dozens of industries and by over 2,400 companies. The reason for such broad use is our ability to rapidly solve a wide range of problem types, proven scalability, our broad range of supported APIs and developer tools, and our outstanding support. This page lists examples of those industries. Please contact us so we can discuss your unique needs.



Gurobi Optimizer Delivers Unmatched Performance

Explore countless possible solutions, in seconds, with the world's fastest solver.

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Gurobi Optimizer Local Deployments

Solve your models on a local workstation, either standalone or on the network.

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Gurobi Optimizer Server Deployments

Run the Gurobi Optimizer on one or more dedicated servers grouped in a cluster.

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Gurobi OptiMods

Gurobi OptiMods, an open-source Python repository of optimization use cases, enables you to solve real-life optimization problems—with no modeling knowledge required.

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Gurobipy Pandas

Efficiently build mathematical optimization models from data stored in DataFrames and Series.

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Take Gurobi With You

Through our Take Gurobi With You (TGWY) program, you can continue to get free, unrestricted access to Gurobi after graduation.

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