Gurobi Industry Days: Telecommunications on April 5 – 6, 2022 was a success. You heard from global telecom experts how mathematical optimization is transforming critical roles in the telecommunications industry, including:
- Network planning, including fiber network, FTTH and 5G
- Retail location planning and supply chain challenges
- Maximizing the use of your spectrum
- Optimizing your backhaul network for the new demands of 5G and FTTH
Our speakers presented how they’re using mathematical optimization to overcome complex, mission-critical challenges amid global change, supply chain disruptions, regulatory restrictions, and complex interdependencies.
For those of you that missed it or just want a refresher, here is the agenda, speaker info and presentations:
Tuesday, April 5
Gurobi Optimization – “Introduction”
Sascha Haake, Sales Director – EMEAI
Welcome of all participants, quick introduction to Gurobi technology.
Slides | Recording
University of Missouri – Opening Keynote – “”Innovations via Advanced Analytics in the Telecom Industry”
Haitao Li, Professor
The rapid growth of use of sensors, 5G networks and Internet-of-Things (IoT), plus volatile market conditions and potential supply disruptions, have created significant challenges for the telecom industry. On the other hand, the abundant availability of data empowered by Advanced Analytics enables data-driven decision-support tools to turn challenges to opportunities. In this talk, I will first elaborate the suite of techniques under Advanced Analytics and delineate their connections, differences, and more importantly, synergies with the traditional AI methods such as machine learning and neural networks. We shall then provide a taxonomy of the diverse range of applications in the telecom industry, identify their combinatorial characteristics, and provide a road map of optimization modeling approaches to address decision-making in the deterministic vs. stochastic and static vs. dynamic environment. In the third part of my talk, I will share some best practices for developing industry-strength optimization applications and decision-support tools.
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Vodafone Germany – “Combining Telecommunications, Optimization, and Machine Learning
Rolf Bardeli, Lead Data Scientist
The telecommunications industry offers a wide variety of settings with optimization problems at their core. These appear both in a pure form and in the combination of discrete optimization and machine learning.
In this presentation, Rolf Bardeli will give an overview of business use cases in which optimization and its combination with machine learning can provide major benefits for network planning, campaign planning, and footprint optimization. He will also discuss how machine learning is used both to define the parameters of the optimization problems and provide warm-start solutions.
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Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – “Addressing the Spectrum Crunch at the Federal Communications Commission”
Brian Smith, FCC Optimization Team Lead
From mobile devices to improved Wi-Fi, from connected cars to satellites, the demand for more wireless connectivity grows every day. These uses require more dedicated spectrum but much of the available spectrum has already been allocated. Resolving the “spectrum crunch” will require creative solutions and new approaches. In this talk, we will discuss three different ways the Federal Communications Commission has attempted to use the available spectrum more efficiently: repacking television stations, reconfiguring 37 and 39 GHz licensees, and creating dynamic licenses in 3.5 GHz. We will discuss how mathematical optimization could be used in each of these scenarios.
Slides | Recording
Wednesday, April 6
KPN – “More efficient roll-out by route optimization in the backhaul network”
Dick van Huizen, Senior Data Scientist
Flattening the curve has been a hot topic over the last two years in the global news. Similarly, KPN has been trying to flatten the demand of fibers in the backhaul network. The introduction of new technologies, such as 5G and FttH, puts pressure on the capacity of the existing backhaul network. Most of this capacity is currently used by network elements that will be obsolete when all innovations are live. As a result, almost double the backhaul capacity is needed during roll-out. By creating a mathematical optimization model for routing and rerouting of existing connections, KPN has been able to make more efficient use of the existing assets, limiting the need for new cable roll-out. Our optimization model has helped to save CAPEX and increase roll-out speed.
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baobab soluciones – “The road to 5G requires adding high-level mathematical optimization technology to the telecom’s toolkit”
David Sánchez, Head of Product & Business Development
All optimization solutions require a key decision with business impact, a complex context that constrains that decision making, and a huge variability of options, unmanageable without mathematical tools. Based on baobab’s analysis methodology, we will review some of the common decisions in telecom environments. Furthermore, we will discuss how the main directions in the roadmap to 5G (speed, latency, availability, virtualization, and customization of services, etc.) impose very strict demands on infrastructure control. This path certainly calls for solvent optimization specialists and a first-class mathematical solver.
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“Demand Forecasting and Optimizing Transportation Decisions Based on Inventory Targets and Store Locations”
Chandu Bhujang, Senior Data Scientist
Businesses are going through most uncertain time in the history. Growing customer expectations, increasing operational complexity and lack of visibility. In this situation, how machine learning and operations research capabilities can be leveraged to successfully solve supply chain related problems?
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Round Table ““How mathematical optimization, as an AI tool, is solving key industry challenges in the telecom industry”
All of our speakers will gather to discuss this topic. This round table will be moderated by Manuel Rassi, Telecom Account Director at Gurobi.