Recap of GDI 2024 - Thank you for a great event!

Gurobi Days India was a great success!

Gurobi Days returning to India for the third consecutive year!

This free event included informative presentations, inspiring use cases, hands-on training, and 1:1 consultation sessions with our experts. Plus, attendees got to network with other Gurobi users, learn how others are using Gurobi, and share your own success stories.  

Here’s a recap of our event….


Day 1: Be Inspired – Join us for Business discussions & Use Case Presentations

  • Latest Gurobi Product Enhancements 
  • Why MIP Technology 
  • Customer Success Stories & Use Case Presentations
  • 1:1 Consultation Sessions 

Day 2: Be Equipped – Technical Training Day

  • Modeling Training Using Python 
  • Beginner and Advanced Algorithms 
  • Handling Numerical Challenges 
  • Performance Tuning and Advanced Numerics 
  • 1:1 Consultation Sessions 




Try Gurobi for Free

Choose the evaluation license that fits you best, and start working with our Expert Team for technical guidance and support.

Evaluation License
Get a free, full-featured license of the Gurobi Optimizer to experience the performance, support, benchmarking and tuning services we provide as part of our product offering.
Cloud Trial

Request free trial hours, so you can see how quickly and easily a model can be solved on the cloud.

Academic License
Gurobi provides free, full-featured licenses for coursework, teaching, and research at degree-granting academic institutions. Academics can receive guidance and support through our Community Forum.


Gurobi Optimization