Join us at the INFORMS Annual Meeting

Visit our Booth 301 to:

  • Learn about the new features and performance enhancements in the Gurobi Optimizer 11.0.
  • Chat with our optimization experts.
  • Play The Burrito Optimization Game, learn about Gurobi Data Science and try out our new OptiMods.
  • Pick up your I Love Gurobi or Burrito Optimization Game T-shirt or socks, while supplies last.


Hear from Gurobi Presenters at INFORMS, including:

  • Dr. Zonghao Gu, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of Gurobi Optimization
  • Dr. Ed Klotz, Senior Mathematical Optimization Specialist
  • Dr. Robert Luce, Principal Developer
  • Dr. Dan Steffy, Optimization Engineer
  • Dr. Rodrigo Fuentes, Technical Account Manager
  • Dr. Cara Touretzky, Technical Account Manager
  • Lindsay Montanari, Academic Program Director


Our Gurobi Pre-Conference Workshop on Saturday, October 14th will include an introduction to Gurobi 11.0, OptiMods, and a live panel discussion. Check out all of the sessions where you can find Gurobi team members presenting at INFORMS below!


Gurobi Technology Workshop
Session: Pre-Conference Technology Workshop
Presenters: Dr. Zonghao Gu, Dr. Ed Klotz, Dr. Rodrigo Fuentes, Dr. Dan Steffy, and Lindsay Montanari
Location: Room 126B
Time: 4:00pm – 6:30pm
Date: Saturday, October 14
Regardless of whether you are an experienced mathematical optimization practitioner, a newcomer interested in better understanding the potential of mathematical optimization in your organization, or somewhere in between, this workshop has something for you. 

Attendees will get a first look at our latest product release, Gurobi 11.0—including exciting performance improvements to Gurobi’s core algorithms and additional support for nonlinear functions. The latter includes direct support of general nonlinear functions beyond the piecewise linear approximations provided in previous versions. The workshop will also include an interactive panel discussion “From skepticism to success: Getting buy-in for optimization projects” with optimization experts across academia, industries, and Gurobi.  

The Gurobi team will also be presenting a live demo of OptiMods, an open-source project that provides Python users with high-level access to optimization capabilities. Developed by the Gurobi Tech teams, the project aims to put optimization in the hands of more people—especially those without prior knowledge of optimization and mathematical modeling.  While primarily intended for newcomers, experienced optimization practitioners may gain insights on obtaining acceptance of optimization-based solutions. 

All Workshop attendees will receive a free Gurobi 11.0 t-shirt and be entered into a drawing to win Apple AirPods Pro.


Gurobi Session
Session: Thinning the Herd of Open and Hard MIPLIB Models
Presenter: Dr. Ed Klotz
Location: CC-North 221C
Time: 2:15pm – 3:30pm
Date: Sunday, October 15
The MIPLIB Mixed Integer Programming Library classifies its models as easy (green), hard (yellow), or open (red). This talk will consider one or two MIPs that are open or take days to solve and show how to solve them to optimality. Tactics used include visualization of the underlying process being modeled to discover useful reformulations, customized cuts to tighten the formulation, and solver parameter tuning.
Gurobi Tutorial
Session: Spatial Branch and Bound Support for General Nonlinear Functions in Gurobi 11.0​
Presenters: Dr. Ed Klotz​, Senior Mathematical Optimization Specialist, Gurobi Optimization
Location: CC-North 120D
Time: 8:40am – 9:15am
Date: Monday, October 16

In this tutorial, attendees will get a first look at the additional support for nonlinear functions available in Gurobi 11.0. Previous versions of Gurobi supported a set of frequently used general nonlinear functions through piecewise linear approximation. Gurobi 11.0 extends the spatial branch and bound algorithm that supported nonconvex quadratic constraints and objectives starting with version 9.0 to handle more general nonlinear constraints and objectives, including higher degree polynomial, logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions.  This tutorial will discuss how to extend the McCormick relaxation used in the spatial branch and bound to these more general nonlinear functions, and the resulting implications regarding how to get good performance.​


Gurobi Session
Session: New Performance Techniques in the Gurobi Optimizers
Presenters: Dr. Zonghao Gu, Dr. Ed Klotz
Location: CC-North 222C
Time: 10:45am – 12:00pm
Date: Monday, October 16
This talk will discuss various new techniques or ideas to improve the performance to solve linear programs, mixed integer programs, quadratic programs and nonlinear mixed integer programs.


Gurobi Tutorial
Session: Intro to Optimization through the Lens of Data Science – New Gurobi Course Preview
Presenters: Lindsay Montanari, Academic Program Director, Gurobi Optimization, and Dr. Joel Sokol, Georgia Institute of Technology
Location: CC-North 120D
Time: 8:40am – 9:15am
Date: Tuesday, October 17

Dr. Joel Sokol, with the help of technical team members and experts from Gurobi, has been hard at work developing a new online course introducing optimization through the lens of data science that will be released in late fall 2023! This free course was developed to help teach trained data scientists how to add optimization to their toolbox, and when to use it in their advanced problem solving. We will cover a comprehensive introduction to optimization, how to translate real life problems into optimization, and when optimization is the best tool to solve a problem.​

In the course, Dr. Sokol introduces learners to world class tools to help them problem solve and provides everything from basic hands-on exercises to more advanced full real-world use cases to reinforce all new concepts of prescriptive analytics as you learn them. We are looking forward giving you the first preview of what this course includes, how to access it once released, and a look into a new way of teaching mathematical optimization to data science learners with expertise from Dr. Joel Sokol and the team of PhD experts from Gurobi Optimization who helped him develop this comprehensive introduction to mathematical optimization.

Gurobi Session
Session: Model Building with GurobipyPandas
Presenter: Dr. Robert Luce, Principal Developer, Gurobi Optimization
Location: CC-North 231B
Time: 10:45am – 12:00pm
Date: Tuesday, October 17
Gurobipy-pandas is a Python project that allows you to connect pandas with gurobipy. It enables you to easily and efficiently build mathematical optimization models from data stored in DataFrames and Series, and to read solutions back directly as pandas objects. We will walk through the basic API and discuss best practice model building patterns.

Meet the Experts

Try Gurobi for Free

Choose the evaluation license that fits you best, and start working with our Expert Team for technical guidance and support.

Evaluation License
Get a free, full-featured license of the Gurobi Optimizer to experience the performance, support, benchmarking and tuning services we provide as part of our product offering.
Cloud Trial

Request free trial hours, so you can see how quickly and easily a model can be solved on the cloud.

Academic License
Gurobi provides free, full-featured licenses for coursework, teaching, and research at degree-granting academic institutions. Academics can receive guidance and support through our Community Forum.


Gurobi Optimization