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Administrative Commands

We provide a number of administration features for managing compute servers. All are accessed through the gurobi_cl command-line tool. On Windows, you will need to issue these commands from a console window (also known as a cmd prompt). Type cmd into the Windows start box to launch one. On Linux and Mac, you can type gurobi_cl commands into a Terminal window.

The following is a list of administrative commands:

gurobi_cl --clients
Obtain a list of running and queued jobs.
gurobi_cl --killjob=
Kill a job. The argument identifies the job to kill. You specify a job by giving the client hostname, followed by a comma, followed by the process ID (PID) of the job. You typically obtain this information from the output of gurobi_cl --clients.
gurobi_cl --joblimit=
Change the server job limit. The argument gives the new limit. Note that this command is useful for taking a server off-line: setting the job limit to zero allows currently running jobs to finish, but prevents new ones from starting.
gurobi_cl --adminpassword
Change the administrator password.

Administrative commands can be run from any machine on the same network as the server. All except --clients prompt you for the administrator password. For security reasons, if no initial administrator password is specified (via the grb_cs.cnf file), server administration is disabled.

One additional command-line argument that you may need in conjunction with these commands is --server= (--servers= is also accepted). This argument specifies the compute server or servers where the requested command should be performed. If you omit this argument, the server(s) will be pulled from the COMPUTESERVER= line of your client license file.

Note that --joblimit and --adminpassword can only be applied to a single compute server at a time. If you specify multiple servers (either through the --servers switch or through your client license file), the command will only be applied to the first member of the list.

The following shows sample output from gurobi_cl --clients...

Checking status of Gurobi compute server 'gurobiserver1'...

Compute server functioning normally.
Job limit: 2, currently running: 2

Jobs currently running: 2 ...

Client HostName    Client IP Address    UserName        PID
client1          smith           7416
client2          jones           1536

Jobs currently queued: 1 ...

Client HostName    Client IP Address    UserName        PID     Priority
client3          jim             2620    5
The report shows two jobs currently running (from user smith on client machine client1, and from user jones on client machine client2), and one job queued (from user jim on client machine client3).

Here are a few more example administrator commands:

> gurobi_cl --killjob=client1,7416
> gurobi_cl --adminpassword --server=gurobiserver1
> gurobi_cl --joblimit=0 --server=gurobiserver1

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