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Setting up Gurobi for MATLAB

To begin, you'll need to tell MATLAB where to find the Gurobi routines. We've provided a script to assist you with this. The Gurobi MATLAB setup script, gurobi_setup.m, can be found in the <installdir>/matlab directory of your Gurobi installation (e.g., /opt/gurobi560/linux64/matlab for the 64-bit Linux version of Gurobi 5.6). To get started, type the following commands within MATLAB to change to the matlab directory and call gurobi_setup:

>> cd /opt/gurobi560/linux64/matlab
>> gurobi_setup

You will need to be careful that the MATLAB binary and the Gurobi package you install both use the same instruction set. For example, if you are using the 64-bit version of MATLAB, you'll need to install the 64-bit version of Gurobi, and you'll need to use the 64-bit Gurobi MATLAB libraries (i.e., the ones included with the 64-bit version of Gurobi). This is particularly important on Windows systems, where the error messages that result from instruction set mismatches can be quite cryptic.

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Gurobi Optimization