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Installation - Windows

To install the Gurobi optimizer on your Windows machine, double-click on the Gurobi installer that you downloaded from our website (e.g., Gurobi-5.6.0-win32.msi for the 32-bit version of Gurobi 5.6.0). You may have selected Run when downloading the installer, in which case you've already run the installer and don't need to do it again.

By default, the installer will place the Gurobi 5.6.0 files in directory c:\gurobi560\win32 (or c:\gurobi560\win64 for 64-bit Windows installs). The installer gives you the option to change the installation target. We'll refer to the installation directory as <installdir>.

Installation for all users

By default, Gurobi is installed for use by the current Windows user only. If you would like to install Gurobi for all users, you may do so using the command line interface to the Windows Installer: open a cmd prompt, use cd to go to the directory that contains the Gurobi installer image, and enter the following command:

  msiexec /i Gurobi-5.6.0-win32.msi allusers=1

You should normally only install the Gurobi version that is targeted to your platform (32-bit or 64-bit Windows). You do have the option of installing both on the same machine, but note that the Gurobi installer sets a few Windows environment variables that will point to one particular version. This can cause some confusion, particularly when a program asks Windows to load the Gurobi DLL. If you understand the implications, then feel free to install both.

Helpful tools

If you would like to work with compressed files from within the Gurobi Optimizer, we recommend that you also install gzip and/or 7zip. They can be downloaded from and, respectively.

Next steps

Once installation is complete, you should see a Gurobi desktop shortcut that can be used to launch the Gurobi Interactive Shell. You shouldn't try to launch Gurobi quite yet. Doing so will produce a lengthy error message indicating that you haven't yet installed a license key.

You are now ready to proceed to the section on How to Obtain and Install a Gurobi License.

If you would like an overview of the files included in the Gurobi distribution, you can also view the File Overview section.

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Evaluation License
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Academic License
Gurobi supports the teaching and use of optimization within academic institutions. We offer free, full-featured copies of Gurobi for use in class, and for research.
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Gurobi Optimization