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Installation - Linux

The first step in installing the Gurobi Optimizer on a Linux system is to choose a destination directory. We recommend /opt for a shared installation, but other directories will work as well.

Once a destination directory has been chosen, the next step is to copy the Gurobi distribution to the destination directory and extract the contents. Extraction is done with the following command:

  tar xvfz gurobi5.6.0_linux64.tar.gz
This command will create a sub-directory gurobi560/linux64 that contains the complete Gurobi distribution, and your <installdir> would be /opt/gurobi560/linux64.

The Gurobi Optimizer makes use of several executable files. In order to allow these files to be found when needed, you will have to modify a few environment variables:

  • GUROBI_HOME should point to your <installdir>.
  • PATH should be extended to include <installdir>/bin.
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be extended to include <installdir>/lib.
Users of the bash shell would add the following lines to their .bashrc files...
  export GUROBI_HOME="/opt/gurobi560/linux64"
  export PATH="${PATH}:${GUROBI_HOME}/bin"
Users of the csh shell would add the following lines to their .cshrc files...
  setenv GUROBI_HOME /opt/gurobi560/linux64
  setenv PATH ${PATH}:${GUROBI_HOME}/bin
If LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not already set, you would use the following instead:
These paths should be adjusted to reflect your chosen <installdir>.

Next steps

You are now ready to proceed to the section on How to Obtain and Install a Gurobi License.

If you would like an overview of the files included in the Gurobi distribution, you can also view the File Overview section.

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Gurobi Optimization