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Aborting Batches

Batches submitted to a Cluster Manager can be aborted by using the batch abort command. For example:

> grbcluster batch abort 9bc34333

The following steps illustrate how you would start and subsequently abort a job. First, use the Gurobi command-line tool (gurobi_cl) to start a long-running optimization job on your Compute Server:

> grbcluster batch solve glass4.mps ResultFile=solution.sol

Once the batch is submitted, you can use grbcluster batches to monitor your batches:

> grbcluster batches
ID       JOB      CREATED Status    STIME   USER  PRIO API        D SIZE   INPUT
4aba4ad3 910878b9 2019... SUBMITTED 2019... jones 0    grbcluster   86579  glass4.mps

The full or short ID can be used to abort the batch as follows:

> grbcluster batch abort 4aba4ad3

After the abort command is issued, the status of the batch can be retrieved using the batches command:

> grbcluster batches
ID       JOB      CREATED Status    STIME   USER  PRIO API        D SIZE   INPUT
4aba4ad3 910878b9 2019... ABORTED   2019... jones 0    grbcluster   86579  glass4.mps
As you can see, the status of the batch has changed to ABORTED. Note also that the underlying job that was created to execute the batch is also ABORTED:

910878b9 4aba4ad3 serevr1:61001 ABORTED 2019-09-22 15:55:24 jones          grbcluster

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